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How to End an Essay - Creating Strong Conclusions

Writing an argumentative essay and craving to throw in some more receipts on your thesis in your closing sentence? Don't. You can't even fathom how disastrous that can be for your grade because that's worse than writing an introduction that doesn't have a thesis statement! But don't panic; let us dive into it all together.

The biggest mistake of most students is to think a conclusion is a summary, but don't succumb into such treacherous deceits! Your ending has to deliver the main message of the entire writing. It has to prove that the problem was necessary to observe. The final paragraph of an essay must decide whether the thesis statement was justified. Sneak a peek at some of the main open secrets in the writing industry that shed some light on the issue we're exploring.

  1. The claims - your crucial points positioned from the most important to the least one.
  2. A paraphrased thesis statement that is NOT copy-pasted it from the intro.
  3. The concluding sentence, or, as it is often called, a hook.

An essay isn't the sonnet you can weave with synonyms and repetitions. A strong essay conclusion demands clarity and discipline, so let us explore it more!

Defining an Essay Conclusion

No matter whether you decide to conclude an essay with a question, shocking fact, metaphor, quotation, or another element, the main idea is to make it impressive. The structure of the last paragraph is less complicated than of the body. Still, a student should stick to its outline.

The primary idea is to recall the thesis statement to refresh the memory of your reader who has read plenty of information and could forget about your argument. The author has to sum up whether the thesis is true or the problem is solved.

It is always beneficial to follow a certain template. We offer you a few of ours!

  • Paraphrased thesis statement (at the start of the conclusion to remind the reader of the sense of the problem)
  • Summarized main claim from the 1st body paragraph
  • The central idea of the 2nd body paragraph in the brief
  • Summary of the 3rd body paragraph
  • Final words about the main points
  • Responses to the top significant questions of the work (to provide solutions and give answers)

Length of the Essay Conclusion

You may wonder what the length should be. Do not make a conclusion longer than 5-6 sentences, but don't forget it corresponds to the number of paragraphs in your academic paper.

Knowing the perfect way to help you end an essay is as crucial as an infant learning to take its first breath and a teen learning to survive in the sea of the changing times. Use an introduction as the template of what NOT to write in the ending. The use of specific points or referencing the last sentence of the third paragraph may help your paper become a leader in the class rating.

Keep on reading to learn more about the wizard tricks of dealing with the assignments you get so crucially buried under!

Features of the Paper's Conclusion

The path which you choose when you conclude your writing extravaganza will make or break your grade. You have to engrave certain principles into the canvas of your essay.

  • Completeness and closure;
  • Impression a writer leaves on the audience;
  • Ending strike (this will motivate the reader to continue thinking about the problem);
  • Support of the thesis statement;
  • Solution and forecast or implementation.

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Top Things to Avoid

In a strong essay, you would avoid several issues with the conclusion. To end properly, be aware of these common mistakes that might prevent you from obtaining the highest grade.

  • Summarizing alone is not enough.
  • Do not rely heavily on what thesaurus/dictionary may say. The last part has to inspire the readers to follow the thoughts put out in the main body. Summaries do not motivate people.

  • Repeating the thesis is forbidden.
  • Self-plagiarism in academic writing is unacceptable. Try using similar language, synonyms, or another example to re-build your thesis statement. Change the architecture of the sentences and rephrase.

  • Providing new content is a bad idea.
  • You cannot pose the inquiry in need of new answers. New data can only bring more confusion. It is a sign of poor organizational skills. By jumping to another question, you risk losing the logical flow of the entire paper.

  • Offering minor points is senseless.
  • A writer must present the vital cherry on top in the finishing sentences. The reading audience will not pay attention to the minor details and lead-in information. By quickly having a look at the last paragraph, they should highlight the most crucial points without much effort.

  • Ignoring lead-in words is a good idea.
  • Relevant content in a paper is your pass into the world of high grades. Glue words create wateriness. If you believe that without some words the main message of your conclusion will remain the same, get rid of them. Forget about such phrases as "To conclude an essay," or "To sum up." They do not make any sense.

  • Selling yourself does not work.
  • If you're telling a story to college boards in your admissions essay, you can use the 1st person and stress your experience. In other cases, do not focus on personal opinions. Aim to sound objective to earn the trust of the target audience.

As for such questions whether to use humor or not, it depends on the overall tone of your writing. A good conclusion should not cover sensitive topics. Be careful when writing the final paragraph of the papers on such topics as gender, religion, disabilities, abortion, etc.

Examples of Great Essay Conclusions

Without an example, it might be difficult to understand how a good conclusion should look like. Our experts have prepared several excellent final paragraphs for you - study them thoroughly to catch the main idea!

"Our community would be healthier if people did not forget to do morning exercises and attend fitness clubs. It should be taught in schools. We should continue to motivate kids to take part in their physical education lessons. Sports associations should ensure that all activities are safe. Preventing injuries from sports is another important goal, and it should be kept in mind while promoting extreme sports in society."

"Physical punishment can be implemented in high schools as the punishment for bullies. The personnel of the school should assess the mental condition of the bully as well as the victim. Those bullies who behave aggressively because of the family conflicts or some other life problems should get support like their victims instead of punishment alone."

"Orwell tried to make his characters as realistic as possible. In his "Animal Farm," he drew parallels with many historical figures: pigs represent the desire of Napoleon to conquer the world by means of innocent lives. School history and anthropology classes could benefit from using this story by Orwell as one of the primary readings."

"The factors discussed above prove that children should have a right to choose the parent they will stay with after the divorce. Even so, they have no right to accuse their parents of their decision. In many situations, divorce is the best way out. Parents and psychologists should do a good job breaking down the outcomes of forced cohabitation."

Premium Writing Service to Help End an Essay

If you rated this article as a useful and refreshing piece of information, allow us to present you the spectacular services that our experts provide. We are an academic writing agency number one on the web. For ages, we have been delivering custom papers on different academic topics to the students around the world. Our experts write only in English; it is their native language. They come from the top prestigious educational institutions like The University of Oxford or Harvard and know how to deal with the tasks of the most difficult academic levels.

The rate of our works is acceptable. We have it below the market average, and the regular discounts are a joy for anyone willing to get custom writing help. Every client was very happy with our special offers. You can learn more about our sales pitch from our customer support or terms and conditions.

Our team can write parts of your paper if you do not need the entire text. If you wish, specify whether you need an introduction, body of the project, or paper conclusion in thean> order form, along with other needed details. After that, proceed with payment using the method you prefer. You will get your writer or editor depending on the service you need, and you can keep in touch to monitor the working process. Make comments whenever you need and provide more details to obtain the paper based on the requirements of your teacher.

Working with us is easy. Through the changing seasons, our services are available all year round, and our team works 24/7 without breaks. Want to be one of the best students? Want to make certain that you have the best essay in class? Our writing service can help you achieve that goal with ease and grace - we can make every day of school less stressful!


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